chcialbym zrobic taki projekt - podlaczenie myszki do komputera jednoukladowego. chcialbym zeby to byl komputerek max. prosty moze cos na 8051? max. tani, chcialbym zeby komputerek jednoukladowy dostarczal (przetwarzal) x,y myszy w zadanym przedziale, buttony itp.
co radzicie? gdzie szukac, co przeczytac...
a moze wywazm otwarte drzwi?
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Sprawdź punkty Zarejestruj sięmysz ps, touch pad, track ball itp.
Moderatorzy:Jacek Bogusz, Moderatorzy
Moze ten link da Ci jakies wskazowki bo troche to nie jasne co Ty chcesz zrobic
http://panda.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu/%7Eachap ... mouse.html
http://panda.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu/%7Eachap ... mouse.html
Electrical Interface / Protocol:
The PS/2 mouse uses the same protocol as the PS/2 (AT) keyboard. This standard originally appeared in the IBM technical reference manual, but I am not aware of any current official publication of this standard. However, you may click here for the (detailed) information I have gathered about that protocol.
Inputs, Resolution, and Scaling:
The standard PS/2 mouse supports the following inputs: X (right/left) movement, Y (up/down) movement, left button, middle button, and right button. The mouse reads these inputs at a regular freqency and updates various counters and flags to reflect movement and button states. There are many PS/2 pointing devices that have additional inputs and may report data differently than described in this document. One popular extension I cover later in this document is the Microsoft Intellimouse, which includes support for the standard inputs as well as a scrolling wheel and two additional buttons.
The standard mouse has two counters that keep track of movement: the X-movement counter and the Y-movement counter. These are 9-bit 2's complement values and each has an associated overflow flag. Their contents, along with the state of the three mouse buttons, are sent to the host in the form of a 3-byte movement data packet (as described in the next section.) The movement counters represent the amount of movement that has occurred since the last movment data packet was sent to the host.
When the mouse reads its inputs, it records the current state of its buttons, then checks for movement. If movement has occurred, it increments (for +X or +Y movement) or decrements (for -X or -Y movement) its X and/or Y movement counters. If either of the counters has overflowed, it sets the appropriate overflow flag... reszta w podanym linku j/w
Przeciesz tu jest to o co pytales (albo ja jestem stukniety? co jest bardzo mozliwe ) musisz sie tylko w grysc w w protokol transmisji i po bolu. Zeby bylo Ci latwiej moze naucz sie podlaczac klawiature od PC (AT) i potem to adaptowac do myszy. Masz tam podane co za co odpowiada i teraz cala sztuka to odczyt tego za pomoca twojego interfejsu zrobionego na dowolnym CPU.
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