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Prośba klawiatura matrycowa avr

Rejestracja:20 paź 2003, o 17:16
Prośba klawiatura matrycowa avr

Postautor: zibi11 » 1 lis 2003, o 17:02

chce zrobić klawiature matrycową taką jak w bascom koledz na pcf8574
tylko że tam jest na 8051 ja chce zrobić na
avr 90s8515 jak to zmienić

$regfile = "8515def.dat"

Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portb.1 , Db5 = Portb.2 , Db6 = Portb.3 , Db7 = Portb.4 , E = Portb.5 , Rs = Portb.6
Config Sda = Porta.1
Config Scl = Porta.0
Dim Value1 As Byte
Dim Valuehex As String * 2
Declare Sub Sekcja1
Declare Sub Sekcja2
Config Lcd = 24 * 2

I2csend 112 , 255
I2csend 114 , 255
I2creceive 64 , Value1
If Value1 <> 255 Then
Call Sekcja1
Valuehex = Hex(value1)
Lcd "DEC:" ; Value1 ; " HEX:" ; Valuehex
Print "DEC:" ; Value1 ; " HEX:" ; Valuehex
Wait 1
End If
I2creceive 66 , Value1
If Value1 <> 255 Then
Call Sekcja2
Valuehex = Hex(value1)
Lcd "DEC:" ; Value1 ; " HEX:" ; Valuehex
Print "DEC:" ; Value1 ; " HEX:" ; Valuehex
Wait 1
End If

Sub Sekcja1
If Value1 = 254 Then
Value1 = 0
End If
If Value1 = 253 Then
Value1 = 1
End If
If Value1 = 251 Then
Value1 = 2
End If
If Value1 = 247 Then
Value1 = 3
End If
If Value1 = 239 Then
Value1 = 4
End If
If Value1 = 223 Then
Value1 = 5
End If
If Value1 = 191 Then
Value1 = 6
End If
If Value1 = 127 Then
Value1 = 7
End If
End Sub

Sub Sekcja2:
If Value1 = 254 Then
Value1 = 8
End If
If Value1 = 253 Then
Value1 = 9
End If
If Value1 = 251 Then
Value1 = 10
End If
If Value1 = 247 Then
Value1 = 11
End If
If Value1 = 239 Then
Value1 = 12
End If
If Value1 = 223 Then
Value1 = 13
End If
If Value1 = 191 Then
Value1 = 14
End If
If Value1 = 127 Then
Value1 = 15
End If
End Sub

Rejestracja:11 maja 2003, o 12:39

Postautor: arek » 2 lis 2003, o 14:07

ten program działa na 8051 i avr - sam przetestowałem

$regfile = "8515def.dat"
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portb.1 , Db5 = Portb.2 , Db6 = Portb.3 , Db7 = Portb.4 , E = Portb.5 , Rs = Portb.6
Config Sda = Porta.1
Config Scl = Porta.0
Dim Key As Byte
Declare Sub Key_scan

Call Key_scan


Sub Key_scan 'podprogram skanowania klawiatury
I2csend 124 , &B11111110
I2creceive 125 , Key
Select Case Key
Case 126 : Key = 6
Case 190 : Key = 10
Case 222 : Key = 4
Case 238 : Key = 5
End Select
If Key > 15 Then
I2csend 124 , &B11111101
I2creceive 125 , Key
Select Case Key
Case 125 : Key = 3
Case 189 : Key = 0
Case 221 : Key = 1
Case 237 : Key = 2
End Select
End If
If Key > 15 Then
I2csend 124 , &B11111011
I2creceive 125 , Key
Select Case Key
Case 124 : Key = 4
Case 188 : Key = 5
Case 220 : Key = 6
Case 236 : Key = 14
End Select
End If
If Key > 15 Then
I2csend 124 , &B11110111
I2creceive 125 , Key
Select Case Key
Case 215 : Key = 7
Case 231 : Key = 8
Case 119 : Key = 9
Case 183 : Key = 15
End Select
End If
End Sub

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